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3 Myths that are stopping You from monetising Your Audience

Primary Blog/Business Growth/3 Myths that are stopping You from monetising Your Audience

In the last week I had two different entrepreneurs asking me 'How do I monetise my audience?'

One of them has a private FB group with 3K engaged members.

And she was like '...but I don't know what to offer them? what can I sell?'

And another one built an audience with over 10k followers.

It's a very engaged audience as well.

These type of scenarios happen a LOT when you as entrepreneur focus only on building an audience.

For some reason You believe in this MYTH # 1:

I need a BIG audience to sell something...

And it's NOT Your fault that You believe that...

Especially when there is so many gurus teaching You how to get to 10K followers & etc.

But this couldn't be further from the truth.

There is so many examples how people with 180 followers are making 200k per year & etc

Monetising Your audience requires a LOT of planning.

Probably more planning and preparation than building an Audience.

People who solely teach You how to build an audience focus on lots of tricks 'how to go viral?'

Going Viral attracts LOTS of different people not just Your Ideal Client.

That brings me to a MYTH #2 that stops You From monetising Your Audience:

One size fits it all!

And at that stage it's a bit hard to monetise Your Audience because You focused on building it NOT converting it.

What does it mean?

If You attracted many people who resonated with one thing you said but they are not resonating with your regular stuff you won't be able to sell to them.

It's better to have a small targeted audience then a BIG one built based on 'going viral tricks'.

MYTH # 3:

Monetisation is immediate!

So Many entrepreneurs are under this impression 'if I build it they will come'

Meaning, 'I have an audience of 10K I should be making thousands a month NOW' 😊

But as I said earlier monetising requires a LOT of planning and preparation.

And it's better to do it together with a strategy.

So when You start building Your Audience You should be focusing on Your End Goal at the same time.

But it doesn't matter which stage of Your Journey you are at now...

I am inviting You to pause and reflect:

What is my END goal?

What do I want & need my audience to know before buying my offers?

The last question kind of goes hand in hand with 'What is my audience looking/wanting to hear from me?

Are my audience building strategies aligned with my monetising strategies?

Spend some time reflecting on that.

Next week I will share with You ONE thing that will help You to monetise Your Audience.

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Hi, I Am Joana

Your Marketing Coach

I share Articles that may inspire You on Your Marketing Journey. 

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